Summer Information 2012
also see information in “Members” section
Call Office at 318-257-4233 for login information
Hi, Gang!
Just a few quick notes for you:
A donor has come forward to assist with the expenses for the first game on Aug 30. I have modified the band calendar with the schedule as it stands right now.
Due to the short preparation time available for the first game, we are compressing check-in this year, in order to have the full band in by Mon, Aug 27.
Our halftime will consist of us, mass dancers (ala bowl game), Regal Blues, and a 40’ diameter, circular flag of the Tech Logo to be revealed as part of the show. The Aggie Band is coming and will perform. Their director tells me that they are leaving their freshman behind this time and will only be bringing around 270 upperclassmen.
The rest of the year is still in the planning stages in conjunction with the athletic department and their various promotions.
Check in Times (at Band Bldg)
Saturday schedule is TBA at the moment. We are trying to get housing to allow check-in on Fri. Know that percussion will meet on Sat.
Support Staff/Band Organizations/Drum Majors
Sun, 8/26, 1pm: Meeting in BB 108
Guard/Leadership/All Winds (returning and rookies)
Mon, 8/27, 1 pm: Check-in Band Bldg
Housing Check-in (at assigned dorms)
NOTE: members may check-in at their assigned dorms at any of the listed times. Just be sure you make your first band bldg check-in time. If you check-in on a day prior to when we are expecting you, you are on your own for food until after band bldg check-in as indicated for your particular assignment.
Fri, Aug 24: TBA (we are trying to secure a time for this day)
Sat, Aug 25: 4-5pm
Sun, Aug 26: 4-5pm
Mon, Aug 27: 4-5pm
Ordering Personal Items
We have been trying to contact everyone about ordering items. If you have not spoken with us please call Toni immediately at 318-257-4233.
We are ordering for you:
For winds and percussion: Red polo, bibber shirts, ball caps, flip folders, music pouches, banquet ticket.
For guard: Red polo, duffle bag
ITEMS YOU MUST ORDER ON YOUR OWN (We will need all these items for the first game!!!!!)
Wind and Percussion
white, smooth toe marching band shoes (we will be using these at first game)
white, ankle socks
navy blue (dark), uniform shorts (like those used for high school uniforms) must be within 2 inches
of knee in length. No jeans, No denim, No cargo shorts.
black belt
Guard members
must buy black, fingerless gloves and black dance shoes. No style has been specified, so your
That’s it for now…